The Nemesis, the entertainment platform offering virtual...
The Nemesis consolidates its partnership with ‘Crypto Art Begins’ during a historic flight from Milan to New York with La Compagnie
The Nemesis, the entertainment platform offering virtual...
The Metaverse Meets the Legend: Alessandro Del Piero Unveils ADP10 METAVERSE in Collaboration with The Nemesis
The world champion, Italian football icon and Juventus...
The Nemesis and Lucca Comics & Games come together for the second year in a row: Luccaverse, the event’s metaverse, returns this year with a wider programme of initiatives and unmissable challenges.
The Nemesis, the entertainment platform that merges the...
Tram dell’Innovazione® Lands on The Nemesis Metaverse: A Week of Digital Discovery and Virtual Engagement
Tram dell'Innovazione®, the iconic Milan Digital Week...
NFT Fest Lugano 2023: A Spectacular Fusion of Innovation and Culture in the Heart of Switzerland
From 7 to 11 September 2023, the city of Lugano will be...
The Nemesis partners with MetaForum for its long-awaited second edition in Milan
Milan is ready to host the amazing second edition of...
The Nemesis Unveils NEMS Token: Driving Gaming’s Next Frontier
NEMS token is coming soon and will allow players to cash...
The first phase of NEMS Launchpad gets off to a flying start
NEMS payment token has been just launched by The Nemesis,...
The Nemesis sponsors the Blockchain Week Rome 2023
The Nemesis, the Swiss Metaverse company with a unique...
Magnum Pleasureland: the new virtual space dedicated to the Magnum universe in The Nemesis Metaverse
The virtual entertainment platform The Nemesis presents...
Dantedì, The Nemesis and Rai Cinema launch a multi-platform project on the Divine Comedy
The Nemesis and Rai Cinema add a new chapter to their...
Get Ready for Easter Fun in The Nemesis Metaverse with DappRadar
The Nemesis and DappRadar join forces to offer a brand new...
Lab-Go & The Nemesis
Lab-Go chooses The Nemesis as business partner for an...
A brand new project by The Nemesis and Arnette: discover the new metaverse built for Zayn x Arnette
The Nemesis and Arnette have established an exciting...
“NirvanaVerse”: a new exciting project by The Nemesis and Rai Cinema
The Nemesis and Rai Cinema, which announced their...
ŠKODA launched its first experience in the metaverse with The Nemesis
ŠKODAVERSE is a new immersive way of interacting with the...
The Nemesis brings Lucca Comics & Games in the metaverse
The festival comes back this year with a great news: the...
The Cryptonomist and The Nemesis launch a new project and create the first talk show in the metaverse
The talk show will deal with different topics, from crypto...
The Nemesis officially releases Noku metaverse
The Nemesis partnered with Noku, the Swiss Web3 platform,...
Silverstone MotoGP meets the metaverse
The Nemesis once again sets the record for the world's...
The Nemesis & Monty Lab: A special partnership
The Nemesis partnered with Monty Lab, a new project from...