The NFTs Expo hosted by The Nemesis is a live streaming event featuring international guests. The event will provide a 360-degrees view of the world of NFTs, touching on areas as diverse as technology, businesses, uses, risks, opportunities, and many other topics.
JUNE 3, at 08:30 am UTC
TALK: The future of digital assets and virtual worlds
Speakers: Federico Morgantini, Roxana Nasoi, Juergen Hoebarth and Alex Capezza.
JUNE 3, at 10:00 am UTC
TALK: Challenges to the development and adoption of NFTs
Speakers: Amelia Tomasicchio, Eddy Travia, Lars Schlichting, Grant Blaisdell
JUNE 3, at 01:00 pm UTC
Interview with Abasa Phillips
Speakers: Amelia Tomasicchio, Abasa Phillips
JUNE 3, at 02:00 pm UTC
Can galleries survive to the Crypto Art Hype?
Speaker: Aaron Koenig
JUNE 4, at 09:00 am UTC
Why consider entering the NFT market?
Speakers: Amelia Tomasicchio, Neil McLellan, Alexis Nicosia, Meg Williams
JUNE 4, at 10:30 am UTC
How your NFT artwork or assets can "vanish" if they're stored on centralised servers.
Speaker: Gaurang Torvekar
JUNE 4, at 12:30 pm UTC
How NFT can have a positive impact on society.
Speakers: Amelia Tomasicchio, Jason Smythe, Anvar Sidorov, Marco Fachin
JUNE 4, at 02:00 pm UTC
The future of NFTs
Speaker: Mark Feldman
JUNE 4, at 03 pm UTC
Closing session and award ceremony
Speaker: Amelia Tomasicchio